For many years an innovative piece of technology has been used in the Amazon jungle that has allowed researchers to find traces of 2,500-year-old cities previously invisible to the naked eye. LIDAR cameras (an acronym for “light detection and ranging”) remotely scan the rainforest floor using a narrow laser beam to map physical features with very high resolution. Well, the rainforest is not the only Amazon that has found a use for this innovative technology.
Amazon, the familiar E-commerce giant that delivers consumer goods to your door is now implementing LIDAR in their massive Distribution Centers and Signal Solutions has been instrumental in helping enable this technology for them.
In over a dozen distribution centers, encompassing both Northern and Southern California, Signal Solutions has installed and fully integrated multiple LIDAR cameras that target a wide range of elements; from larger obstacles that might impede movement to non-metallic objects, rain, or chemical compounds. This assist’s Amazon’s Distribution Centers with safety protocols for their delivery vehicles, as well as internally with their Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT), striving to lower incident rates, and increase safety and productivity.
Aside from the LIDAR installations we also exchanged, relocated, and rewired over 650 Wireless Access Points (WAP) throughout Northern and Southern California Fulfillment Centers. This eased the flow of product movement more efficiently allowing products to arrive faster, increasing customer satisfaction.
Signal Solutions is proud that a company the size and scope of Amazon trusts to help with making their employees safer and more efficient. How can we help find your solutions? Get in touch with us for a quote today.